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Showing posts from December, 2012

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year mama! I know you can't hear me...but we'll do it all again when you wake up! Love you!!

December 31, 2012 - Afternoon/Evening

Mom was a little more awake today, shaking her head to answer questions by the doctors/nurses. She wasn't fighting the tube like before, so that is good. She could feel them squeezing her hand but can't yet squeeze back. The nurse asked if she knew where she was and she shook her head yes. Then the nurse asked if she knew the people in the room with her (dad & Cristi). She shook her head yes again and the nurse said, "good, cause I let them in to see you." Don't ya just love great nurses! She is still on assisted breathing (40%) and low sedative which allows her to open her eyes and nod to the questions. They will do another breathing test in the morning. From all of us, Happy New Year! We are optimistic that 2013 can only get better!

Oh the joys!!

I got this picture today at 4ish PM and it was too funny to not share...I call it, "Oh the Joys". Here's the story...someone went to the vending machine to purchase a snack - well - apparently it got stuck and they left it there. Little did that person know that dad would soon walk by. So what would you do when you're killing time at the hospital...try and get them out of course. So, that's exactly what daddy did! And success!! Daddy retrieved what was then considered his lunch! Cheetos to the rescue! Thanks to whoever bought my daddy his lunch at 4 PM - we thank you! Facebook Comments: 

Holding hands...

I must say that I admire a child's heart. My oldest daughter, Liberty, asked if there was a way to hold Nana's hand when she prayed for her. I told her no...we were in Dallas, mom in Austin and knowing that even if we were in Austin, Liberty is not allowed in ICU due to her age. Some time had passed when she came bouncing into the living room..."Mom...can Cristi take a picture of Nana's hand? Then I can hold it anytime I want!" Oh, my!! After wiping my tears, I asked Cristi to do just, if you'd like to also hold my mother's hand while praying for you go! Comments:

Why the blog??

So...I've been waiting and waiting on when and how to create a blog. Well, a few months ago, my mom kept encouraging me to start and I kept on making the same 'ole excuses...well you go! She just had to go get sick...but I must say during the last four days, I've had no better therapy than writing the updates via Facebook for all of our family and friends on her progress. Then this hit me...she did it mom taught me another lesson about life and she's not even aware of it! I have been given the inspiration to finally start my blog! I know what it will be about and even better...what it's going to be called! So...Mama's Update will begin as status updates on my mom's progress while she's in the hospital in order to keep those updates happening and for those friends and family that are not on Facebook. Once she is better and doing well...this blog will continue with me as the you updates on what crafts, proje

December 31, 2012

Mom update (Monday): the doctor's keep saying she's doing well. She is breathing on her own for a while then when it becomes too laboring they turn on the oxygen to assist her but its only around 20%. Then they turn it off again and keep going back and forth. The X-rays are not showing any difference on the pneumonia. They say that this is to be expected though with her body being immunosuppressed ... (from the heart transplant). The cardiologist continues to monitor her heart function and says it's doing great! They are trying to give her lasiks to increase her outflow (which is how to get the pneumonia out) but when they do her blood pressure goes too low so they back off. They are optimistic and say it will just take time. Their first goal is to get her stabilized enough to take out the tube. As a family, we appreciate the continued prayers and thoughts. It's been tough knowing that when she does "wake up" that it will be a new year...but as my dad so wond

Bailey was all ready!!

Bailey was all dressed and ready to go see nana...too bad she's not allowed in ICU.

December 30, 2012

Mom update (Sunday morning): no real change...she's still not able to breathe on her own so they are having to leave in the tube and on the sedation medication. We don't really know whether or not she can really hear us when we talk to her but I know The Lord is in her heart and He hears us and is relaying the messages. Continued prayers are welcomed for her body to keep fighting hard. Comments from Facebook: Mom update (Sunday afternoon): I just talked to Cristi ...they are at the hospital and I was able to talk to mom again. This time her eyes were open as they are taking her off the sedative - not sure for how long though. She is currently breathing on her own!! Your prayers are helping - we are all so grateful! Now if she could just continue on this same path!! Keep praying!! Comments from Facebook: Karee's Post on Facebook today: Went and spent some time with Mom today, I love just sitting there with her. Brooklyn made her a video that I played for her, it was such a

December 29, 2012

Mom update (Saturday morning): The strand of pneumonia is the standard kind - nothing funny - so they will begin attacking it head on today. She's still pretty sedated so that she can be comfortable while the tube is still in. They are going to ween her off today so they are able to communicate with her better. She was on 80% oxygen yesterday and they have her down to 40% today so that's good prog ... ress. Thanks to everyone for the continued prayers. It's still a long road ahead. Please say additional prayers for dad - he's seemed to come down with a cold of some sorts so that makes it harder to be there for mom. Hopefully she can be awake a little later today...I love you mom!! Be strong and fight hard! We love you!! Thanks to my sisters...I was able to FaceTime with mom! Even though she was sleeping, Dana, the girls and I were able to talk to her. I know she heard us! We love you mama!! Adding comments from Facebook:

Brooklyn's Drawing

My niece Brooklyn (4) drew this picture for nana...

December 28, 2012

Mom update: No real change. Sleeping. Waiting on results of cultures to see exactly what type of pneumonia she has. Please continue your prayers for both mom & dad as the face this new uphill battle together. Adding comments from Facebook:

December 27, 2012

Please say a prayer for my mom. She was taken to the hospital early this morning and the verdict is pneumonia. She's currently in the ICU, hopefully to be moved to a regular room by tomorrow as long as she responds well enough to the meds. She had an echocardiogram done on her heart and everything looks good there. The doctors did confirm though that she'll be there through the end of the year. Please pray for her comfort as she currently has an intubation tube in her throat, which she HATES! Thank goodness she knows a little sign language. In advance - thank you for the prayers and good thoughts! I know she'll appreciate them!! Please also say a quick prayer for my dad. He seems to go into Superman mode during times like these and be a strong hero for all of us girls and forgets that he also needs to take care of himself. We love you daddy...just be there for mom...we'll take care of each other. Adding comments from Facebook: