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Showing posts from December, 2017


I don’t do resolutions, but I usually pray about finding a word for the year. In 2017, my word was restore. I honestly didn’t know why The Lord put that word out there for me, but I held onto it.  In January, I was blessed to be a part of restoring a relationship between my mom and her sister. I didn’t do any of the hard work for it...honestly, it fell into place by posting here on FB about a surgery my mom was having. God managed that whole thing.  In March, I was introduced to the amazingness of the Aroma Freedom Technique using YL essential oils. It’s been an amazing journey to be able to free the mental bondage I’ve put my brain through over my entire life of burdens and trials that weren’t even in my control. If you’re interested in learning more about this, let me know and I’ll send you info! It can be done without oils, but it makes the process easier. Mental restoration at its finest...although, I’m still not perfect, but I now know how to work through things better and embrace