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January 5, 2013

I'm going to start today's blog with a little reflection on the time I spent with mom yesterday...I don't think that I can really portray exactly what it's like to visit with her. All I can think about is the word "hope".

I hope that she:

- continues to progress - Her speech is slow and on an intermediate level.
- can regain her short term memory - she's not remembering the days from right before she was 
   sick (including Christmas).
- can regain her arm strength to begin to feed herself and not have to be fed by someone else.
- can regain her leg strength to be able to walk again - even if it is wobbly
- can regain her hand function to be able to cross-stitch again.
- can regain the ability to comprehend what has happened during this time so that she may be at peace
   with it.

 I do have faith in my Lord that He can do all things...but this would be the beginning of my list, not only for my mom...but for my dad.

I hope that he:

- gains the patience needed to deal with these complex situations
- gains the inner strength from God to have faith in Him
- knows that it's okay to ask for help - no matter how much pride he has
- continues to love my mom for all that she is and has the ability to become

With all of is her status for the day!

Mom was able to "dangle" - this means she was able to sit on the side of her bed unassisted and have her feet dangle toward the floor.

She is now off of all of her IV medications (other than one) - she now has the ability to take all of her normal medications orally!

She had a 3 hour dialysis treatment today to clean her blood as her kidneys are not doing it on their own just yet.

She is being moved this evening to an intermediate care room and out of the ICU. This is especially exciting because the grand kids (Nana's "bugs") will now be able to visit her. We are hoping that this will assist in her healing!

It is with heavy hearts that we "Wright" girls are thinking of ways that we can continue assisting my dad through this since we are all headed back to our own homes tomorrow. There are bills to be paid, hospital bills looming over dads head, the house that needs continued up keep, laundry to be done....and the list goes on. Dad is literally at the hospital at 8 am as soon as visiting hours begin until 10 PM when they end...all the while having to run a business he owns and operates. If you know him well...he is so prideful we don't know the best way to approach it. May the Lord please give him the strength to make it through this time and allow him to ask for help when needed.

Until next time...


  1. Sounds like Debbie is on the mend and your dad and all the issues he got on his shoulders are in our prayer list, too! Jesus can handle all those problems...He's got GREAT BIG shoulders.


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