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January 9, 2013

Things are gradually getting better.

The results of the EEG came back clear, which is good but they wanted to go ahead and do an MRI anyway. Dad found out this morning that it also came back clear.

The best news from yesterday is that the removed the tube that was needed for dialysis!! It is amazing to know that mom won't have to have dialysis for the rest of her life, as we've heard it's a real pain!

She continues to not eat or talk too much. She sees a physical therapist and a speech therapist to help her with her gross body movements and her speech.

I have a that all of the brain scan tests have shown there was no brain damage done while she was sedated.'s my latest theory...she hasn't slept...other than a few power naps...for almost a week! I think that she's not eating because she's not able to feed herself and she's stubborn. I think her brain's not functioning correctly due to sleep deprivation and being malnourished. I honestly think that if she slept and ate that she would increase her functions greatly...she's just being stubborn.

I just wonder if those two things together would work! I would imagine that anyone would be delirious and hallucinating if they hadn't slept or ate in a week!!

So...I shared my theory this morning with my dad and this was his reply...

" I think you are correct. She had a pain pill last night and was asleep when I got here. Was not responsive to (the) dr when they came in. Now she is awake and completed a sentence to me. 'Please scratch my back.'
I think we are on the road now. Just will take more time."

Fyi: I believe what he intended to mean by "non responsive to dr" was that she was sleeping well enough that she stayed asleep.

This is good news! Now if she'll just get some good rest & eat, we may be able to get some great responses from her.

Until later...


  1. Candi and the rest of the "Wright" girls, and Rip: I'm so happy to hear that Mrs. Wright is making progress. I am still praying for her to have a full and speedy recovery! We love her and the rest of you all! Stay strong!


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