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Keep on keepin' on!

I know it's been a few days...sorry! I'm still transitioning to life with 3 kiddos & working full time!

I just got off the phone with mom & dad. Mom is progressing well...eating better too. She's motivated to get herself home so she's doing what it takes to get there.

They had her review meeting this past Tuesday. It's basically an informational meeting to discuss her abilities when she arrived to therapy and how far she's progressed. They also discussed where she needs to be physically in order to be released for home. From what dad said, she's got to be able to physically care for herself before leaving...this means walking, being able to cook, do laundry, etc. In order to get this accomplished, she's got to start eating her meals and working hard at physical therapy.

When I talked with her on Tuesday evening she said, "I think I did better than they thought I would today." That's so amazing to hear...especially from her!

Dad mentioned that he's come up with a recipe for the roast we made him...he sounded so excited about it on the phone! It made me I thought I'd share. He's going to make some mashed potatoes and heat up the roast...then make himself an open faced sandwich...bread, topped with potatoes, then covered with the roast! Sounds yummy to me...can't wait to hear how it turns out.

Oh yeah...crazy thing happened to mom today...her bed stopped working! The mechanical system went she got a new bed! Lucky's supposed to be more comfortable too.

Alright...that's all the news for today!

Wait!! One last thing! The 'Wright' girls have been thinking of doing a benefit/silent auction to help raise some money to help mom & dad with the medical bills during this time. Due to mom going into the hospital in 2012 and into 2013, they will owe the maximum out of pocket for both years!! If any of you could donate an item/service for the silent auction, please email me at Anything you can do to help would be incredibly generous! Thanks in advance and we will be sure to give you all the details when we have them!

Until later...


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