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February 4, 2013 - She's HOME!!!

I had one wish this year for my birthday. I had hoped that my mom would be home. Well...she is...and it's 4 days earlier than I had hoped for!

She did her trial run at home yesterday and did amazing! She didn't want to go back to the rehab facility last night...but she did and then the doc released her today.

When I talked with her this morning she was most anticipating being able to sleep in her own bed!!

Salsa (mom's dog) was so excited its been over a month since she's seen mom!

We are so thankful to everyone that has supported us through love and prayer since late December through this journey!

Now that mom is home, our efforts (me & my sisters) are quickly turning to figuring out ways to help mom & dad with the new financial burdens of the hospitalizations.

The name of our cause is, "For the Wright Reasons"! Our goal is to raise $30,000 to help out with as much of the medical bills as possible!!!

We have been in the beginning stages of gathering items to host an online silent auction. If you would like to donate items, email me at The silent auction will begin in early March and run for 1 week.

We will be selling silicone armbands starting next week. They are red with the words, "For the Wright Reasons" on them. I will post a picture as soon as I have one in my possession. The price per band is $3. This includes order as many as you'd like!! Be on the look out next week on how to place your order online!

Kim has been crocheting hats for a few months now. They are so cute!!! She is setting up an Etsy store to sell them and all the proceeds will go toward our cause. Once this is set up...I'll give you the information!

Also...the profits from any item purchased from my Etsy store during the months of February - March will be donated as well! To see what I have go to:

Of course, if you would like to just make a monetary donation, we will accept that as well. I am working on getting the website created, so I will have more information for you next week.

Last but not least...we'd like to celebrate mom's 16th heart birthday with all of you that can make it!! We are thinking of celebrating benefit style!! More details to come...her 16th birthday is March 31st. We know that is Easter weekend, but we will most likely plan our party on Saturday, March 30. If you have any ties to a venue in the Buda/Kyle/South Austin area...let me know! We are hoping to get as much donated as possible to be able to give the most money back to mom & dad for medical bills!!

Again, thank you all so much for your continued prayers and support! Even though mom is now home, her journey is FAR from over! Please keep her in your prayers!!!

Until later...


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