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Showing posts from January, 2013

January 30, 2013 - She's Going Home!!!!!

Mama's going home!!!! Well....kinda....sorta..... She is being released for the afternoon on Saturday to go home with dad. It's a trial day for her to see if she'll be able to do things on her own in her environment. She'll have to do several things, such as walk around with the walker, take a shower, use the restroom, wash & fold laundry, etc. She does have to return to TNR on Saturday evening. If then, things have gone well on Saturday then she will be discharged on Monday!! I cannot explain the happiness I heard in her voice as she was telling me all of this. I am so proud of her for working so hard and keeping with it. I've always known that my mom (& dad) have been strong models for me and my sister's, but it's so special to get little reminders of it every now and then, and this is no exception. I love you mama!!! The girls and I couldn't be more proud of you!!! Until later...

January 29, 2013 - Crazy Morning!!

I talked to mom tonight!! She said that this morning started out pretty crazy...her blood pressure was really high!! They don't know what caused it but please continue prayers that this was only a strange thing. She still did push through a physical therapy session. The nurses and therapists are telling her that she is really almost ready to head home...just have to tackle walking the loop. So then I asked, "are you ready to go are you comfortable?" She replied, "I don't really know." She mentioned that she's ready for a little more quiet (as the patient down the hall was hollaring constantly while we were on the phone), ready to not have the bill adding up, and ready for dad to not have to keep going back and forth from there. I think she's just a little apprensive but she did say she's not worried about falling or not being ready. I honestly think that the blood pressure situation from this morning wasn't helping her confidence.

National Wear Red Day®

Most of you all know that mom started her battle with heart disease several years ago....well...10 years ago the American Heart Association started a campaign, National Wear Red Day®. This year, National Wear Red Day® is this Friday, February 1st. My challenge to my mom, granny, & all women battling heart disease....Wear your Red this Friday, February 1st. Here's the catch...wear your red then take a picture...send it to me at . I'll post it on the blog and then we'll have a vote! The winning picture will get a special gift from me. only have a few days, but get your family & friends together and get creative....& show your support for Heart Disease. UPDATE: The contest details are below: 1. All photos must be emailed to by 11:59 PM on Monday, February 4, 2013. 2. The photo must be "family friendly". 3. The photo can contain all family members - including pets. Cat

Great conversation!!

I got to talk to mom tonight for about 15 minutes! I am still just SO thankful that I'm able to talk with her again like "normal"! She continues to make progress! She's able to get in and out of bed with a little less help than before. She can get to and from the bathroom on her own as well. She had a tough day of physical/occupational therapy on Friday. They pushed her harder than the days walking the hallways with a walker instead of being in a wheelchair! She doesn't like her new bed because the buttons to move it up & down are on the outside of the that stinks! They finally have her glucose medication correct so that also making her feel better! Although tonight it was high due to her using lifesavers to calm a cough... Dad is optimistic that she may be able to go home by next weekend if she keeps with it and working as hard as she did this past week! My opinion: I want her to stay (even though its somewhat miserable) until she's

Keep on keepin' on!

I know it's been a few days...sorry! I'm still transitioning to life with 3 kiddos & working full time! I just got off the phone with mom & dad. Mom is progressing well...eating better too. She's motivated to get herself home so she's doing what it takes to get there. They had her review meeting this past Tuesday. It's basically an informational meeting to discuss her abilities when she arrived to therapy and how far she's progressed. They also discussed where she needs to be physically in order to be released for home. From what dad said, she's got to be able to physically care for herself before leaving...this means walking, being able to cook, do laundry, etc. In order to get this accomplished, she's got to start eating her meals and working hard at physical therapy. When I talked with her on Tuesday evening she said, "I think I did better than they thought I would today." That's so amazing to hear...especially from her! Dad ment

January 21, 2013

Last night we girls decided to make some dinners and freeze them for dad. The menu was the famous "Wright Chicken & Noodles" and a roast. Enjoy dad!! We went by the hospital to say bye to mom. She was a little under the weather today but toughed it out to see us and the kids. Although our visit today was short, she still managed to make me cry. I love her so, so, so, so, so, so much! Tomorrow mom has her 1 week evaluation. This meeting is an informational meeting to show her progress over the last week. She did agree for me to share the picture of her with the kids. Although two very important people in her life are missing from this picture here are the other 7. These "Famous" 9 are Nana's Bugs!! From left to right... Joshua Warren, Hailey Warren, Bailey Nimmick, Nana, Morgan Gilpin, Ben Nimmick, Trey Gilpin, & Liberty Warren. (Missing from the pic are Brooklyn & Hunter Bursiel.) Until later...

January 20, 2013 - Gettin' All Purdy!

We had a large family visit with mom today...3 of us girls, 7 grand kids, 1 son-in-law, & dad!! When we got there mom was enjoying this beautiful weather outside! The 5 big grand kids played hide and seek and mom held Joshua for the first time. That's a big deal as he weighs 16 pounds! We took lots of pictures! One of the best was when all the grand kids (2 missing) piled on the bed with Nana! Cristi, Kim, & I (with Hailey, Ben, & Joshua) stayed for a longer visit. Kim & Cristi got mom all purdy while I sat and held Joshua the whole time. They shaved her legs and cut & painted her toe nails! She's doing amazing! Taking one day at a time is the focus!! I am posting another picture of her hand...mainly to show how much her swelling has gone down! Enjoy the few pictures I'm allowed to share! Until later...

January 19, 2013 - Just "Wow"

I have one word today..."Wow"!! I've already said this a few weeks ago and I've always known it but today I saw it again with my own mother is beautiful!!! To see how much progress she's made in these past two weeks is something that I'm finding hard to put into words. You can have a clear conversation with her! This is something that I honestly was unsure of two weeks ago when I visited with her. My girls were able to sit with mom in her bed...and yes I took pictures (that I promised not to share cause she hates pictures of her). She is building her strength daily during her PT. She told dad yesterday that Vern, her physical therapist, was tough on her but that she appreciates it. She's slowly beginning to eat more. She's not liking the food though...she tells us it's salty. When Kim asked if there was something we could take her...she said nothing sounds good. Then Kim mentioned cottage cheese and she lit up and said, "Ooh, cottage

January 16, 2013 - Doing well...

I got to talk to mom this afternoon for about 15 minutes. She is doing well...although still apprehensive. She sounded really good!! Her memory was good as well....she was able to tell me things that happened yesterday. I asked her how she feels about her memory...she said, "working on it". I asked if she knew why she went to the hospital and she said "no". Then I told her about this blog. She said, "dad told me" at least she remembered that. She was able to tell me that she has two therapy sessions per day. They had her getting up to walk again today - which she didn't like too much. It's just great to hear her talking at regular speed and in full sentences. I know one day she'll be able to fill in the blanks from all of this. So for now...I left her with this statement at the end of our conversation..."You're doing great mom & I'm so proud of you. Soon enough you'll be able to get home and out run us all." She j

January 15, 2013 - First full day at TNR

So...I called tonight to see how mom's first full day went. Well.... Dad said she was apprehensive because they made her get up and walk. She was using a walker of course because it's been 2 1/2 weeks since she's been up. I guess she did well enough because they went ahead and removed her catheter. I asked if the food was any better than the hospital but dad said she's not really eating it...and didn't want to talk about it. Hopefully tomorrow goes better. She's just still apprehensive about being there and change takes some getting used to. Hang in there mommy!! Until later...

Moved to TNR!

Well...mama moved to TNR today. Her and dad spent most of the day getting medical info updated at her new place and getting things set up. She did start moving her arms well enough yesterday to feed herself! I'm just amazed how wonderful she's doing! I can't wait to see how quickly she'll get back to walking. Dad says she's doing well with her memory. He said her long term memory is much better than her short term but it is getting better. Great job mama! We couldn't be prouder of you!!!

January 12, 2013 - Best Day Yet!!

When I text my dad last night for the latest update, instead of texting back...he called! I cannot tell you how AMAZING it is to hear mom talking more and more., I called for the update and he said, "It's been her best day yet! We're having a party..." Mom's brother, Jimmie, and sister-in-law, Diana, went to visit with her today. She's been talking and laughing. Jimmie even fed her lunch....although I don't think she liked it. I guess at some point in the conversation dad mentioned to Jimmie that when all is said and done she'll have been at the hospital for 18 days and mom replied, "I've been here 18 days???!!??" Haha...oh how I'm so glad there are some of those days she doesn't remember. I am so grateful that I started writing...that way it will some day help her know what transpired while she was "out of it" for a bit! I think I can speak for my entire family that we are so grateful for the doctors & nu

She's on the move...

I just received this information from dad: "Moving to 3rd floor today (cardio floor) . Then moving to a rehabilitation hospital on Monday, probably Texas NeuroRehab Center off of Manchaca Rd on Dittmar. Their web site is: I have seen a brochure, but not been in contact with them as yet. They will come in today to access mom for admission." In viewing this as a step forward, although I can't imagine what's going in in moms head about it. I hope the move doesn't confuse her more. It sure will be more convenient for dad as it's closer to work. I've only taken a brief look at the website but it looks like it will be great for he to regain her physical strength. Continued prayers are welcomed!! She had a really good day on Wednesday, talked a lot, but didn't sleep well that night. She been eating a little more each day, which will only help with her strength. She's had breathing treatments, physical therapy and speech therapy

January 9, 2013

Things are gradually getting better. The results of the EEG came back clear, which is good but they wanted to go ahead and do an MRI anyway. Dad found out this morning that it also came back clear. The best news from yesterday is that the removed the tube that was needed for dialysis!! It is amazing to know that mom won't have to have dialysis for the rest of her life, as we've heard it's a real pain! She continues to not eat or talk too much. She sees a physical therapist and a speech therapist to help her with her gross body movements and her speech. I have a that all of the brain scan tests have shown there was no brain damage done while she was sedated.'s my latest theory...she hasn't slept...other than a few power naps...for almost a week! I think that she's not eating because she's not able to feed herself and she's stubborn. I think her brain's not functioning correctly due to sleep deprivation and being malnourished.

January 7, 2013...Baby Steps

Mom's lungs and kidney's are improving. This afternoon the doctors even suggested that if her kidney's continue to do well then they will be looking into removing the tube they placed on January 1st for the dialysis. They are going to monitor for another day first though because they do not want to remove it and then have to go back and place it for any reason. This would be AMAZING!!! Her memory and speech is still the same, but the doctors say that she will get back to normal with time. It's just frustrating because we don't know how much time. She had another visit with a neurologist today and she seemed to answer basic questions correctly, so that's good. I'm not sure of the results from yesterday's EEG yet, but I'm hoping to be able to share them with you tomorrow. She did get to have her hair washed today! That's a plus...I know that when I was in the hospital having a baby the first time I felt "good" was after I was able to get

Bailey's Picture

Bailey made a sweet picture for's hanging in her room!

January 6, 2013

Mom was finally moved to an intermediate care room last night as she continues on the path to recovery. The results of her cat scan from the other evening were good - confirmed no stroke. However, her speech is still slow and you can tell she's confused so they did an EEG today. She's having some difficulty answering some simple questions such as 2+2, her birthday, and what month it is. She does know that its 2013 but I think thats only because we told her (a few days ago though...). She did tell me on Friday that she doesn't understand... "can't fathom 2013". We went to see her today on our way home. The kids (Trey, Morgan, Liberty, Hailey, & Brooklyn) finally got to see her as well! We are hoping that it will help with her recovery. She did perk up just a bit but not like I had hoped. However...I still have hope as she had a pretty exhausting day with the EEG test. She looked tired! She's not sleeping very well...she told dad a few days ago that she&

January 5, 2013

I'm going to start today's blog with a little reflection on the time I spent with mom yesterday...I don't think that I can really portray exactly what it's like to visit with her. All I can think about is the word "hope". I hope that she: - continues to progress - Her speech is slow and on an intermediate level. - can regain her short term memory - she's not remembering the days from right before she was     sick (including Christmas). - can regain her arm strength to begin to feed herself and not have to be fed by someone else. - can regain her leg strength to be able to walk again - even if it is wobbly - can regain her hand function to be able to cross-stitch again. - can regain the ability to comprehend what has happened during this time so that she may be at peace    with it.  I do have faith in my Lord that He can do all things...but this would be the beginning of my list, not only for my mom...but for my dad. I hope that he: - gains the patience nee

January 4, 2013

Today, as I write, I am finally able to sit next to my mom! She's a fighter...that's for sure. The X-rays continue to show improvement, she's eating well, and talking a little more. We visited with the neurologist a little bit ago just to make sure nothing additional happened while she was on the sedative or from the moments her blood pressure was so low. He believes that she is suffering from a form of delirium. No sign of a stroke or anything so that's great! Her short term memory is not the greatest...but like they keep steps. She has gotten orders to move out of the ICU. They are just waiting on a room to become available. She's finally resting now...although waking every few minutes coughing...but...that's the best way to get rid of the mucus from the pneumonia. Thank you Lord for keeping an eye out on her! Please continue to heal her body and mind so that she will be able to have some normalcy again. Please continue your prayers in letting he

4 Goals for the Day!

There are 4 goals for mom today... 1. Sit in a chair - PASSED!!! She was up and sitting in a chair at 10:10 AM. 2. Pass swallow test to get feeding tube out & allow her to eat real food 3. Breathing treatments 4. Dangle - sit on edge of bed and dangle arms & legs There will be no dialysis treatment today as the past two days of treatment have gone so well they are going to take a break to begin her on a normal dialysis schedule. She is talking more today and dad says it's loud enough to understand. The X-Rays of the pneumonia show improvement. Once these goals are met they will probably go ahead and transfer her to the 3rd floor, which is the cardiac wing. This way her cardiologist can monitor her easier and she can get out of the ICU. The doctors keep saying "baby steps" but to me it looks like she's taking strides from where we were a week ago! Hallelujah! Comments:

God is truly amazing!!

Mom's had a pretty great day!! She's able to move her toes and lift her arms. Still working on squeezing her hand back when you squeeze hers but the doctors say that's normal. She was saying very few words. Cristi sent the following text to me earlier today: "She was trying to talk earlier and said Thursday. I told her what day it was. She did her eye brows a few times. I asked her if she was trying to figure everything out and she shook her head yes. So I told her that she had pneumonia and that her kidneys weren't working well. The more she coughed the better." She's still coming off of the sedative and was awake most of the day. She had a 3 hour dialysis treatment today as well. The dialysis lady said that depending on her numbers they may or may not be back tomorrow. The numbers looked good today after her one treatment yesterday. I happened to call dad a few minutes ago and he was with her so Liberty and I were able to say hi. When Liberty told her, &

The tube is out!!!!!

Dad told mom she only has two days to get well enough to have the breathing tube removed because she's gotta be able to root for the Aggies! Guess she heard him!! The tube is OUT!! This is such great news!! This morning the x-rays showed a little improvement on the pneumonia but they've been focusing on getting the tube out in order for her body to get back to a normal status in order to fight the pneumonia. She's been responsive by nodding her head to questions and she's been able to wiggle her toes on command. With the dialysis starting yesterday they were able to remove 2 Liters of fluid from! This is probably why she's able to breathe on her own now! Continued prayers for all - Throughout this mess we've had a few family come down with colds, strep throat, and the flu! We are all on the road to recovery it seems...but it will be a long process. Thank you Lord for all you do! Comments:

January 1, 2013 (afternoon)

Mom is out of surgery and is sleeping. It went well and as planned. They are going to let her body rest for a few hours then will begin the first round of dialysis. 2 hours today then adding an hour each day. Prior to surgery dad did explain to mom what was going on and when he asked her if she understood she nodded her head yes. I have much more peace knowing that she is aware of what they are doing for her treatment. Until later... Comments:

January 1, 2013 (morning)

Not so good news from the hospital today. Mom's kidney function is deteriorating...they are about to do a procedure to place a catheter in her kidney in order for them to start dialysis. They are hoping that by doing it now that it will only need to be temporary but the doctors cannot promise anything. Dad has been praying about it and has made the decision to move forward knowing that mom may be angry at him if its something she's got to be on for the rest of her life. All of the doctors, however, even the cardiologist, think this is the best route. The procedure will take about an hour so prayers are definitely needed at this time. Doing this should improve her kidney function in order to help pass the fluid through her body to remove the pneumonia. They have gotten a lot of the "junk" as my dad calls it, out but her body is currently just having to work too hard to do it on her own. Dad will call me again in a few hours and I will post an update at that time. Thank